Intro: In today’s competitive world, it’s more important than ever to keep your mind sharp and think intelligently. So how can you give yourself a mental edge? By using apps, of course! Here are 8 awesome apps that will help improve your memory, focus, and critical thinking skills. Give them a try and see for yourself just how much brighter you can become!

1. Inshorts:

This app is perfect for busy people who want to stay up-to-date on the latest news. It offers concise summaries of the day’s top stories, so you can quickly get caught up on what’s happening around the world. You can choose the category you are interested in: including top stories, trending, and top stories in your city. inshorts makes you aware of the news in less than 3 secs that it takes for you to read the headlines.

2. Ted:

Ted talks are highly motivational and inspirational, and the app does not disappoint. The app offers over 1,700 talks on various subjects, from business and entrepreneurship to science and health. The ted talk app is a great way to learn new things in a fun and exciting way. Ted Talks are educational videos on various subjects, ranging from science to history to business. You can watch videos, read articles, or listen to audio recordings, and you can even sync your ted talk progress with your account. This app is excellent for anyone who wants to learn something new or who needs a little inspiration in their life.

3. NASA:

If you’re fascinated by space, the NASA: Space app is perfect for you. This app offers tons of information about the area, including videos, images, news, and more. You can also interact with other space enthusiasts in the app’s discussion forum, and you can even track live missions going on at NASA. This app is for anyone interested in space or astronomy. It offers up-to-date information on current missions, images from the area, news, and more. You can also watch videos, read articles, and listen to audio recordings about different aspects of space travel and astronomy. This app is perfect for anyone who loves learning about other planets and stars or for anyone interested in a career in space. It also tells you about the latest launches, trackers that track the space station so you can see it when visible, and other related news.

4. is an app that helps you learn new words and definitions. It includes a quiz feature to test yourself on the words you’ve learned, and it also offers up articles related to vocabulary so you can see how the terms are used in context. This app is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their vocabulary skills or students studying for vocabulary-based exams. It offers up quizzes and games to help you learn new words, as well as definitions and example sentences. You can also track your progress and see how you’re doing in different areas. is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their vocabulary or students studying for exams. All you have to do is visit proxy-rarbg for a quick, easy, hassle-free download on your device.

5. Lumosity:

Lumosity is another app designed to help you improve your cognitive skills. It offers a variety of games and exercises to help you train different aspects of your brain. Lumosity is perfect for people who want to stay mentally sharp or for students looking to improve their academic performance. Lumosity is another app designed to help you improve your cognitive skills. It offers various exercises to help you boost your memory, focus, processing speed, and more. Lumosity is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their overall brain function.

6. MindNode:

If you’re looking for an app that can help you boost your intelligence and creativity, lookno further than MindNode. This app is designed to help you brainstorm and organize your thoughts, making it the perfect tool for anyone who wants to be more productive and innovative. MindNode allows you to create mind maps, which are diagrams that allow you to organize your thoughts visually. It can be helpful for everything from organizing a project to studying for a test. This app helps you visually map out your ideas to see how they connect and flow together. It’s great for brainstorming sessions, creating project outlines, and more. MindNode is available for both iOS and Android devices.

7. Dragon Dictation:

If you’re looking for an app to help you become a better writer, Dragon Dictation is a great option. This app allows you to speak into your device and automatically convert your speech into text. It can help you take notes in class, write essays, or record your thoughts. This app is designed to help you improve your writing skills by dictating your ideas and converting them into text. It can be helpful for students who want to take notes in class or for professionals who want to create meeting minutes. It can be beneficial for taking notes in a meeting to draft a document. Dragon Dictation is available for both iOS and Android devices.


So, if you’re looking for a mental edge in today’s competitive world, give these apps a try. You may be surprised at how much they can help improve your critical thinking skills, memory, and focus. Who knows? You might even become a genius!

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