Children’s back pain is not the same as adult back pain. A child with a backache is more likely to have a significant underlying disorder than an adult. According to paediatric orthopaedic surgeon in Karachi, more serious causes of back pain must be identified and treated as soon as possible, or they will worsen.

Children’s back pain is getting more common. It has a greater impact on girls than on boys. Back pain affects about 30 out of every 100 children and teenagers.

There are a variety of factors that cause back pain in children. In this article, you’ll be reading those factors one by one. But first, let’s see what are the symptoms of back pain in children.

What are the Symptoms of the Back Pain in Children?

Some of the common symptoms that children with back pain experience are as follows:

  • It can be a short-term or long-term discomfort.
  • It can range from minor to severe.
  • It can either stay in the center of the back or radiate to other parts of the body, such as the legs or arms.
  • Your child might stay awake at night.
  • It can have an impact on how they move, walk, and bend.
  • In the center of their back, you might notice a delicate place.
  • You may also notice that their back begins to curve or twist.

Common Causes of Back Pain in Children

Some possible causes of children’s back pain are mentioned below.

1. Muscular Back Pain

The most common cause of back pain in children and adolescents is muscular back discomfort. This is frequently linked to weak abdominal muscles and tight hamstring muscles. This pain might be exacerbated by bad posture and carrying a heavy backpack.

Physical therapy programs emphasizing hamstring stretching, abdominal strengthening, and posture correction may help these kids. Furthermore, an exercise routine, anti-inflammatory medications, and rest are also used to treat this type of pain.

2. Infection

An infection in disc space (diskitis) can cause back pain in young children. It usually affects children between the ages of one and five. However, it can also affect older children and teenagers.

Some common symptoms in a children having disc space infection include:

  • Malaise
  • Lower back pain
  • Spine stiffness
  • Low-grades fever
  • Refusing to walk or walking with a limp
  • Instead of bending from the waist, squatting with a straight spine to pick up something from the floor

3. Rounded Back

Another common cause of pain in children has increased roundness of the back, also called Scheuermann’s kyphosis. It causes pain in the thoracic spine is in the middle of the back.

In this case, the vertebrae become wedged leading to a stooped back. The curved section of your child’s back may hurt, and the pain may worsen as exercise.

4. Stress Fractures

Stress fractures can occur in children. Stress fractures can occur during teenage growth spurts. They can also happen during physical activities that frequently twist and hyperextend the spine. These include diving, football, and gymnastics.

The pain is normally modest, but it might spread to the buttocks and legs. The activity makes the pain worse, while rest makes it better.

Spondylolysis is the most prevalent type of spinal stress fracture. A spondylolysis is a bone injury that happens in the back of the spinal column. Spondylolysis can cause a youngster to walk with a rigid gait and only be able to take short steps.

5. Slipped Vertebrae

Slipped vertebrae are another cause of back pain. It is also known as spondylolisthesis. It happens when one vertebra slips forward on the vertebra below it.

It usually is the sign of spondylolysis progression. It commonly occurs at the base of the spine. In severe cases, the bone narrows the spinal canal putting pressure on the nerves causing intense pain.

6. Tumor

A variety of benign or malignant tumors can affect the spinal column. On rare occasions, these tumors might cause back pain. Some of the warning symptoms that are linked with tumors involve:

  • Nighttime pain
  • Weight loss
  • Generalized illness

Back pain that occurs in conjunction with these symptoms may indicate the presence of tumours.

7. Spinal Deformities

Spinal alignment issues can result in a visible deformity as well as back pain. The following are the two most frequent spinal abnormalities in children:

  • Scoliosis: Spine abnormality that generates an S-shaped curvature when viewed from the back.
  • Scheuermann’s kyphosis: Spine bends sharply to the side and can be seen from the side.

When to See A Doctor?

Consult to a paediatric orthopaedic when your child with back pain meets the following conditions:

  • If your child is under 4 years old.
  • Pain doesn’t go away even after four weeks or gets worse.
  • If your child has a fever or is experiencing weight loss.
  • If your child feels difficulty in moving a limb.
  • If the child feels numbness or tingling in a limb.
  • If there is a change in posture.
  • If there is the development of curvature in the spine.
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