The loss of memory and physical and mental abilities that accompany Alzheimer’s can often lead to neglect of social relationships and personal care. Ahmed Medico is the best medical store in Karachi that makes it easier to get medication and prescription drugs for the elderly from the comfort of your home. Did you know that people who suffer from some types of oral pathology are more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s?

Every day we are surprised by new advances, discoveries, or circumstances that relate Alzheimer’s disease to other aspects of our daily lives. It is estimated that there are some 700 million cases of advanced periodontitis in the world, and in Spain, it is estimated that 8 out of 10 people over 35 years of age suffer from some type of problem-related to the gums. To these data, it must be added that around 5% of the Spanish population suffers from Alzheimer’s.

8 out of 10 people over the age of 35 suffer from gum problems

A recent study presented by the journal “Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy” indicates that people who have been living with some type of gum disease for more than 10 years have a higher risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s. Different parts of our bodies are interconnected to each other, similar to that of a machine.

It is true that the lack of oral hygiene does not imply the presence of Alzheimer, but it may well become the perfect breeding ground for the proliferation of this disease. That said, the study does not conclude that gum disease is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s. Although it is true that in those individuals analyzed, who had had the periodontal disease for more than ten years, Alzheimer’s was more common.

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As Alzheimer’s progresses, people start to suffer from progressive cognitive and motor deterioration, and with it greater oral problems. Alzheimer patient loses a sense of dignity, responsibility, and conscience, forgetting the importance of brushing their teeth several times a day. However, most have them have forgotten how to brush one’s teeth. Problems such as cavities, periodontal diseases, halitosis, malnutrition, systematic infections, or heart problems will be the outcome of the neglect of oral health.

Alzheimer’s patients tend to neglect their oral health

Therefore, it will be the obligation of both the family and the caregiver as well as the dentist, to rigorously monitor the patient and draw up a treatment plan related to the severity of the disease. However, in the case of people with Alzheimer, appointments with the dentist should be short, since they do not adapt well to the changes present in their day to day. Given this situation, what guidelines should caregivers and relatives of Alzheimer’s patients follow to guarantee their oral health?

1. Control the intake of medications:

Some of them, such as antidepressants or antipsychotics, cause serious side effects on oral health, causing a decrease in saliva secretion or xerostomia. Some drugs can even lead to the syndrome of “chronic dry mouth” (loss of saliva in the mouth).

2. Brush your teeth at least twice a day:

Electric toothbrushes become the best option for Alzheimer’s patients, as long as they can tolerate the sensation of vibration in their mouth. Quick and effective brushing will be achieved. It is best to use a soft bristle brush to gently clean the patient’s gums and the roof of the mouth. In addition, brushing may be accompanied by flossing at least once a day. They become the best alternative if the patient tends to clench his teeth.

3. Clean the mouth and dentures after each meal:

Most Alzheimer‘s patients do not usually swallow food well, generating an accumulation of food debris in the teeth. Therefore, it would be convenient to clean it periodically.

4. Avoid changes in eating habits:

It will not be advisable to replace the main meals with small snacks, suck on candy or drink sugary drinks.

5. Schedule visits to the dentist:

If we perceive that the patient has difficulty chewing, has bad breath, or has a sore mouth or face, it is best to go to the specialist immediately. However, even if there is no apparent pain, we must always take into account a periodic review of your oral health.

Ahmed Medico, we have the best team of qualified pharmacists prepared to ensure the physical, mental and oral health of your family member by offering the best medicines. We know how to ensure proper compliance with healthy habits that cannot be missing from your routine. Call us now and ask for your prescription without obligation!

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